use an electrostatic field to store an electrical charge. In a circuit, a capacitor will build up a charge on its negative plate. Current flows until the capacitor charge is the same as that of the power source. It will hold this charge until it is discharged through another circuit (such as ground). Always handle capacitors with care; once charged, they can be quite shocking long after the power is removed. 1. TYPES A capacitor has two conducting plates separated by an insulating material or dielectric. Three types are used:
Ceramic for electronic circuits.
Paper and foil for noise suppression in charging and ignition systems.
Electrolytic for turn-signal flashers.
Different symbols are used for ordinary and electrolytic capacitors. 2. RATINGS Automotive capacitors are rated in microfarads, and the rating is usually stamped on the case. Always choose a capacitor rated for the maximum expected voltage. 3. DIAGNOSIS / TESTING Capacitors can be tested for short circuits using an ohmmeter. Connect one test lead to the capacitor mounting clip and the other test lead to the capacitor pigtail connector. The meter needle will first show some continuity as battery of the meter charges the capacitor, and then it will swing to infinite resistance. If only continuity is seen, the capacitor is most likely shorted.
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