Transistors are semiconductor devices for controlling current flow. A "transistor" (transformer + resistor) transfers signals across the resistance of two semiconductor materials. 1 - TYPES / USES There are many types of transistors.
Bipolar transistors
are most common for switching and amplifying.
Field-effect transistors
(FETs) are quite different. They are used as switches, amplifiers, and voltage controlled resistors.
Power transistors
are a variation for larger currents; exposed metal carries away heat.
are another variation, used as light-sensitive switches in speedometer and headlamp systems. 2 - SYMBOLS
Bipolar transistors are shown with a line and arrow for the emitter, a heavy T-shaped line for the base, and a line without an arrow for the collector. The emitter arrow points to the negative side of the circuit.
Phototransistors have incoming light arrows added.
FETs have an arrow showing negative (N) or positive (P) voltage.
3 - OPERATION In bipolar transistors, a small base current (Ib) between the emitter-base "turns on" the transistor and causes a larger current (Ic) to flow between the emitter-collector. In phototransistors, light striking the base "turns on" the transistor. This switches on a second transistor which amplifies the signal.
BMW ECU Programming
Transistors are semiconductor devices for controlling current flow. A "transistor" (transformer + resistor) transfers signals across the resistance of two semiconductor materials.
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