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semiconductors diodes

Types of Diods
Types of Diods
Diodes are semiconductor devices which act as one way electrical check valves. Diodes will allow current flow in one direction (anode to cathode), but block it in the reverse direction (cathode to anode).
    There are several types of diodes.
    1. Rectifying diodes change low-current AC to DC in the charging system.
    2. Power rectifiers can handle larger currents in electronic power supplies.
    3. Zener diodes can function as voltage sensitive switches. They turn "on" to allow current flow once a certain voltage is reached. They are often used in voltage regulation applications.
    4. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are used for indicator lights and digital displays. And, photodiodes detect light for sensors
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    Symbols for various diodes are shown. The arrow points in the "forward" direction of current flow (anode to cathode). Zener diodes have a "Z" shaped bar on the cathode side. LEDs and photodiodes are enclosed in a circle with incoming or outgoing light indicated

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Diodes are semiconductor devices which act as one way electrical check valves. Diodes will allow current flow in one direction (anode to cathode), but block it in the reverse direction (cathode to anode).
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