ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS Individual semiconductor devices are called discrete devices; a number of them may be used in a circuit. Such devices are common in charging, ignition, and headlamp circuits that handle large amounts of power. The more sophisticated electronic control systems now being used on the vehicle, however, make use of integrated circuits and microprocessors or onboard computers.
An integrated circuit (IC) has hundreds, even thousands, of discrete devices on a single silicon chip. These include diodes, transistors, resistors, and capacitors. The IC is usually packaged in ceramic or plastic and each tiny device inside are connected to one or more leads that plug into a larger on-vehicle circuit. 1) One type can process analog signals - those that change continuously with time. 2) Another type can process digital signals - those that change intermittently "on" or "off" with time.
Microprocessors, or on-board computers, are used on various electronic control systems. Such systems have three basic parts: 1) Sensors tell what is happening. 2) Microprocessor computes the data and decides what to do. 3) Actuators or controls respond to change or display the condition.
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Individual semiconductor devices are called discrete devices, a number of them may be used in a circuit. Such devices are common in charging, ignition, and headlamp circuits that handle large amounts of power.
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