Electronic devices and systems provide vehicles with added comfort, convenience, safety, and performance. These devices and systems control electricity to do work. The current flows through a semiconductor - rather than through wires. The movement usually produces an electrical signal - rather than heat, light, or motion. And, this signal may be transmitted, amplified, or used in special circuits to perform logical decision-making functions. Since there are seldom any moving (electromechanical) parts, these devices and systems are often called solid-state electronics.
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Semiconductors can act like conductors or insulators. They have a resistance higher than that of conductors like copper or iron, but lower than that of insulators like glass or rubber.
Individual semiconductor devices are called discrete devices, a number of them may be used in a circuit. Such devices are common in charging, ignition, and headlamp circuits that handle large amounts of power.
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Electronic devices and systems provide vehicles with added comfort, convenience, safety, and performance.
These devices and systems control electricity to do work.
The current flows through a semiconductor - rather than through wires.
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