A complete path, or circuit, is needed before voltage can cause a current flow through resistances to perform work. There are several types of circuits, but all require the same basic components.
A power source (battery or alternator) produces voltage, or electrical potential.
Conductors (wires, printed circuit boards) provide a path for current flow.
Working devices, or loads (lamps, motors), change the electrical energy into another form of energy to perform work.
Control devices (switches, relays) turn the current flow on and off.
Protection devices (fuses, circuit breakers) interrupt the current path if too much current flows
Too much current is called an overload, which could damage conductors and working devices. A list of five things to look for in any circuit: 1. Source of Voltage 2. Protection Device 3. Load 4. Control 5. Ground Types of Circuits There are three basic types of circuits:
The type of circuit is determined by how the power source, conductors, loads, and control or protective devices are connected.
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the Serie circuit and its componants,A series circuit is the simplest circuit. The conductors, control and protection devices, loads, and power source are connected with only one path for current. The resistance of each device can be different. The same amount of current will flow through each. The voltage across each will be different. If the path is broken, no current flows.
the parallel circuit and its componants,A parallel circuit has more than one path for current flow. The same voltage is applied across each branch. If the load resistance in each branch is the same, the current in each branch will be the same.
If the load resistance in each branch is different, the current in each branch will be different. If one branch is broken,
SERIES-PARALLEL CIRCUIT and it is componants,A series-parallel circuit has some components in series and others in parallel.
The power source and control or protection devices are usually in series; the loads are usually in parallel. The same current flows in the series portion, different currents in the parallel portion.
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The basic definition of electrical circuits of the Vehicle ,A power source (battery or alternator) produces voltage, or electrical potential. Conductors (wires, printed circuit boards) provide a path for current flow.
Working devices, or loads (lamps, motors), change the electrical energy into another form of energy to perform work.
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