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EWS II Replacement Procedures

Replacement Procedures
Up to 6 additional keys may be ordered as replacement keys. The EWS II control module is codeable for only 10 keys (4 delivered with vehicle and 6 replacements).

EWS II Control Module
Replacement EWS II Control Modules must be ordered VIN specific. EWS II modules contain the VIN and coding from the factory to recognize the key codes. Modules from other vehicles will not recognize keys as being valid and not start the engine.
EWS II Control Modules store the Central Coding Key (ZCS) and the VIN. If the EWS II control module is replaced the system must be ZCS coded.
The EWS II module must be synchronized with the DME (aligned). There is no limit to the number of times the ISN may be changed in the EWS II module.

DME Control Module
The DME Control Module is not ordered VIN specific and must be programmed during replacement. The ISN from the new DME must be transferred to the EWS II module using AutoHex Diagnostic scanner.

Key Activation
Keys that are lost or stolen may be deactivated or made to not operate the starter functions.
The SERVICE FUNCTIONS of AutoHex scan tool for EWS II contains a (Bar/Release Code) function that activates and deactivates keys of the EWS II. Any key may be (Barred) except the key in the ignition at the time of deactivation. The lost or stolen key can be identified by the identification of the remaining keys.
There is no limit to the number of times a key can be activated/deactivated.


AutoHex II For BMW

is one of the best Professional scan tools to for BMW; Autohex allows you to diagnose, code, program/flash ecus, replace with used ECUs, and add new keys for BMW. For more information: BMW Scan Tool 


Changing Dmaged DME in F Series
Describe replacement proccess of the EWS II system components.
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