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OBD II Fault Code P0380 :

Description of Fault code P0380


Possible failuer P0380

  • Glow plug (Internal short to ground, open)
  • Glow Control Unit diagnostic line (Harness short to ground)

Diagnostic Procedure using AutoHex II Scan Tool

  • The Glow Control Unit monitors the Glow plug power current with the Glow plug power ON by the Engine Control Module (ECM) indication (control line low level). When the power current is more and less than a specified value, the logic of diagnostic line is detected for the Engine Control Module (ECM) as the low level. And the notice from the Engine Control Module (ECM) for the logical low level of diagnostic line with indicating the Glow power is detected for a set period of time.

Test Conditions using AutoHex tester

  • Continuously

Clear Fault codes Conditions

  • The Glow Control Unit monitors the Glow plug power current with the Glow plug power ON by the Engine Control Module (ECM) indication (control line low level). When the power current is more and less than a specified value, the logic of diagnostic line is detected for the Engine Control Module (ECM) as the low level. And the notice from the Engine Control Module (ECM) for the logical low level of diagnostic line with indicating the Glow power is detected for a set period of time.

MIL Status

  • Check Engine Light ON

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  • AutoHex II is a professional Auto diagnostic.
  • This fault code is a GERENRIC fault code, some cars may change the meaning of this fault code.
    To get the accurate fault code description you may use AutoHex II

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