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OBD II Fault Code B2185 :

Description of Fault code B2185

Passenger s door Mirror motor Vertical sensor input Error

Possible failuer B2185

    Driver s MPCS Unit

Diagnostic Procedure using AutoHex II Scan Tool

  • The PCM/ TCM monitors the actual mainshaft speed (rpm) and countershaft speed (rpm) ratios and the commanded ratio. The PCM/TCM computes these ratio continuously.
  • A malfunction is detected when a difference between the actual ratio and the commanded ratio occurs, and it is over the specific ratio.
  • When the 3rd -> 4th upshift has been made then the PCM/TCM detects neutral position while driving in 5th gear a malfunction is detected.

Test Conditions using AutoHex tester

  • D or D3 shift position
  • Battery Voltage > 11V
  • Upshifting 1st through 5th

Clear Fault codes Conditions

  • The PCM/ TCM monitors the actual mainshaft speed (rpm) and countershaft speed (rpm) ratios and the commanded ratio. The PCM/TCM computes these ratio continuously.
  • A malfunction is detected when a difference between the actual ratio and the commanded ratio occurs, and it is over the specific ratio.
  • When the 3rd -> 4th upshift has been made then the PCM/TCM detects neutral position while driving in 5th gear a malfunction is detected.

MIL Status

  • OFF

Programming BMW F Series


  • AutoHex II is a professional Auto diagnostic.
  • This fault code is a GERENRIC fault code, some cars may change the meaning of this fault code.
    To get the accurate fault code description you may use AutoHex II

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